Pobuca Connect ranks 6th amongst the best Contact Management tools in the world in COMHQ survey
Another recognition of Pobuca Connect, Pobuca’s Contact Management platform, ranking sixth in the world among world-renowned solutions
Another recognition of Pobuca Connect, Pobuca’s Contact Management platform, ranking sixth in the world among world-renowned solutions
There could be times when all the right collaboration tools are there, so is the team’s skillset, yet magic doesn’t
Pobuca participated in, as well as having proudly sponsored, two very important conferences, the Economist Greek Government Roundtable and “Future
On the first Tuesday in October, the CX community celebrates CX day as an opportunity to acknowledge great customer experience
Partner with Pobuca and offer a contact management tool to your team!
If you have content to distribute, which you definitely should, LinkedIn has to be your B2B marketing strategy’s first stop.